Sometimes I am told by someone that they don’t need a doula because they are planning a medical birth. I find that expectant parents who think this way probably don’t have accurate information about what a doula does. There is still this view of doulas that we burn insence...
In Helpful Pregnancy Tips, Info for Dads, Info for Moms, Preparing for Birth
/childbirth, doulas, medicated births, support during childbirth
I know what you are thinking-That’s impossible! It’s not impossible and on the contrary can be a meaningful experience for parents. Most of the stories that pregnant women hear are horribly negative so that leads them to believe that that is just the way it is. Most couples feel...
In Helpful Pregnancy Tips, Info for Dads, Info for Moms, Preparing for Birth, Services We Endorse
/chiropractic and pregnancy, getting ready for birth, Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting and emotional time for parents. For Mom, in particular, hormonal, physical and emotional changes can leave her feeling fatigued and in discomfort (to say the least). What`s a Mom to do? Here is where Chiropractic care can step in and help. Why Chiropractic care? A mother`s...
-Amanda Dadd, Helping Hands Infant & Toddler Sleep Consultant After a long, hard winter what family isn’t ready to get outside and make the most of the summer months? Like many of us you are probably planning adventures on the beach, late night BBQs, toasting marshmallows over the fire,...
Family and friends can be one of the best supports for new parents as they transition into parenthood. You will want to work with them, however, in order for them to know what the best way to support you is. Here are some tips to help: Communicate your...
In Helpful Pregnancy Tips, Info for Moms, Preparing for Birth
/Baby, bringing home baby, parenting tips, preparing for baby, visiting
Someone you know has just had a baby and you are totally excited. What are some things you should keep in mind and some ways to be the best visitor ever! Wait for an invitation. Send a quick congratulations message and let the parents know that you would like...
Swaddling is a parenting topic that has been talked about quite a bit lately. It can be a difficult to decide if you want to swaddle your baby or not. I have been a fan of swaddling for quite awhile but just like anything, swaddling can be abused. I...
Child care is one of those things you assume you don’t need to think about for awhile since most moms are off for a year maternity leave. Unfortunately this is not the case. Many child care options need to be thought about 6 months to a year ahead. Here...
Sleep is one of those things we long for after we have a baby since we don’t get very much of it. We have to be careful what expectations we have for our new little ones but here are a few tips to try and get maybe 2 hrs...
It’s cold and flu season again but this time you’re pregnant. You’ve heard of all the thing not to do but are not sure the things you can do. Here are a few tips to get you through the season as best we can. 1: Boost your immunity. Pregnancy...
In Common Myths, Helpful Pregnancy Tips, Preparing for Birth
/Baby, doula, Epidural, Helping Hands, Kristi Clements, Midwives, Myths
Do you really know what a doula does? Being a doula for over 10 years and participating in more Baby Shows than I can count, I have encountered first hand that most people don’t know what doulas do. If someone has heard of doulas, they usually have heard ‘rumors’...