Sleep deprivation and mood are directly linked to one another. Without sleep it can be challenging to learn new tasks, stay calm, and communicate effectively. It’s exhaustion that new parents say ‘they weren’t expecting’ during the newborn time. New parents don’t need to push through the hard times to be good parents. Sleep support and overnight care is available to prioritize mental wellness.
Night or Day
Night nannies are babysitters at night-time. They take care of all the baby-care & feedings overnight to allow parents continuous sleep. Postpartum doulas can also provide this care, anytime, not just when you are sleeping. Daytime, Weekends, and even holidays you can have support for the timing that you need the most. Even during that 4 AM feeding!
Postpartum doulas also termed, Infant Care Specialists, have special training in lactation support. Which allows customization with support to latch baby, someone to refill your water or make a cup of tea, and create night-time routines to allow you to maximize your sleep between each feeding. Doulas are experts in many customized feeding options, to educate from bottle feeding, pumping, supplementing and everything in between.
Helping Hands only hires their team members from reputable Doula Training Organizations. Receiving professional training and on-going mentorship validates the support you have hired is updated on best practices and how to educate growing families. Exactly what you need to know to set off on the right foot for parenting.
On-the-job training for nighttime parenting
Many new parents can feel lost with what to do on their own with sleep routines. Doulas, however are not concealing their tips and tricks. They are passing on over 50 combined years of tools down to the families we work with. No need to reinvent the wheel, we strive to work ourselves out of a job!
Twins and triplets are more to love, and many times require an extra set of hands. Learning how to quickly adjust to caring for more than one baby can be expedited with a doula. Putting together a postpartum plan and systems for all of your baby care. Diaper changes can be a breeze with a little guidance. Night or day, whenever you need the help the most.
Want to know more about what is would be like to have a postpartum doula?
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