18 Feb
Everyone has heard the stories of a Mom and Dad having a “good” Baby . The Baby sleeps through the night and is a dream to feed .
What if this is not the case ?
The Baby wakes up at all hours and the frustration begins . Mom is on maternity leave and needs time to recover to a smooth routine , while Dad has to get up for work in the morning and be functioning . Mom needs Dad and Dad needs Mom .
How can a Dad contribute to a Baby’s healthy sleeping routine and maintain the team effort :
- Sleep when you can-If your baby is napping and you have some free time in between household chores , errands etc. take a nap to catch up on sleep . Be opportunistic when it comes to sleep .
- Limit caffeine intake-It’s very tempting ( and easy ) to overcompensate for lack of sleep by drinking a lot of coffee or energy drinks . Don’t do it ! Large amounts of coffee will disrupt your sleep pattern even more , making a good sleep harder to maintain .
- Take turns or ask for help-If your baby is having trouble sleeping and one parent is up , if possible , trade off shifts or nights, so at least one parent is getting a few hours of – or a good night of sleep . Don’t be afraid to ask your partner – or a support system – for help if lack of sleep is becoming a problem area.
- Invest in some ‘me time’-New parents have a lot going on , but it’s important to take some personal time to unwind and get your body and mind ready for sleep , even if it’s just for a few hours .
- Be supportive-Generally speaking , a newborn can be harder on the Mom than on the Dad . Be supportive of each other as you make the parental transition .
… a Dad
Support System-At Helping Hands we are dedicated to supporting your needs BEFORE you start climbing the walls …
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